42nd national congress of the
French Caving Federation
from may 26 till may 28th 2007, Poligny (Jura)

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By train

TGV station in Mouchard (18km of Poligny)
and connection bus the SNCF of Paris with Poligny
With 2h in the TGV of Paris (station of Mouchard or Dole)

Hiring of car :
in Salins-les-Bains

With proximity :

Arbois, Capital of the Wines of the Jura,
Royal saltworks of Arc and Senans (world Inheritance of UNESCO),
Nans-sous-Sainte-Anne(Edge-tool industry and the Source du Lison)

By roads - motorways

In car:
- to approximately 45 km of Lons the Saunier, of Dole, of Besancon, of Pontarlier
- with approximately 2h of Lyon, of Geneva

A39 and A36 - Poligny Exits, Dole or Besancon

  source infographique - http://www.enil.fr